If you believe the rumours, can sort the fact from the fiction and know who to ask, you’ll learn that Molly Holohan was the youngest, toughest, mightiest nightclub owner in Australia. Her club ain’t sugar sweet. Its darker, smarter, wise-crackin’ and rusty ribald around the edges. That’s why we want to find it and for those of us who know her, we keep coming back for more of this Broadway born performer . Not everyone got an invitation, but her club was bold and brassy, sassy and sophisticated. I’m talking ‘sophistication’ in the way some ladies can throw a punch while holding a drink. And when you hear her give advice you better stay down, cause this woman has a lot to say and when she speaks everyone from your privileged Millennial Nepo baby to your Grand mammy will be listening and buying by the bucketload. Molly’s voice is a real killer. Scissor sharp and gun shot perfect Molly can hold a crowd quietly or tell them to ‘get lost stupid’ because the whimsical, cynical, sarcasm that is bosom barrelling across the microphone is like nothing you’ve heard before and at the same time reminiscent of some past love telling you life’s rules and how to break them one vodka at a time. Got something to sell to the hard to please fashion crowd? Molly’s voice already leads that tribe. Got some news that is going to disrupt the neat and tidy mindset of what has gone comfortably before? This is the voice to change your mind and poke you in the eye because you were askin’ for it!! Strike up the band, turn up the volume and hang on tight, your studio is about to experience some vocal devastation but I got a feeling you’re going to love it. Hey mister, Molly Holohan just walked in the room and the fun is just startin’
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